jeudi 29 janvier 2015

A Hat Full of Sky

I haven't read this novel by Terry Pratchett, but it sounded like a good name for this project, so there you have it.

A twisted selfie, but otherwise you couldn't see the pattern...

It's supposed to be a beret, but seen like that, it looks more like a regular beanie.

This was my first time trying to create a pattern in stranded knitting. It's supposed to be birds, clouds and a sun. I first went for classical sunrays as they would be pictured in a child's drawing, but it looked crappy, so I unraveled it to make something that looks more like a starburst of sorts.
It's a bit wonky and wobbly - I'm afraid I've been tugging at my yarn to much while worknig on the stranded parts. Hope this will be settled when I block it.
What do you think about it? Would you be interested in a diagram?

2 commentaires:

  1. C'est supposé mais cela représente oui le bonheur du ciel, promis et j'avoue que j'adore

    1. Merci! Tu es aussi poète dans tes commentaires que sur ton blog!
